
IMPact Leadership Blog

Problem Solving Tips

When you think of how to “grow through what you go through” it is really about pausing, reflecting, learning, and then applying what you learn to get different results. When you read this article I will tell you the number two step is the most important. It is the one most leaders squeeze because of the drive and need to get to a solution. Next time you hit a problem make sure your team STOPS and stays on step two until you completely understand the problem you are solving. Click Here to Know More If you want help [...]

How Can I Deal With People Who Come to a Meeting with a Set Idea and Won’t Open Up?

I'm going to make the assumption here that what you are really talking about is people who come into a meeting with a closed mind.  The easiest way to open a person's mind is to figure out why they closed it in the first place. Most people will only open their mind if you can show them how they will gain rather than lose. Here is the easiest way to do this:  Quickly figure out the communication style of the individual. Is he a Connector, Networker, Producer, or Analyzer? You can also open your meeting by using an example [...]

How Do You Know If You Have Been Clear?

Developing clear goals and guidelines is something I find many leaders miss on. Although I will tell you they all 100% believe they were clear. So how do you know if you have been clear? Test by making sure- Do I have any vague language?Things like “soon, end of week, coming up” are all slightly vague as for you “end of week” may mean Friday morning while for someone else it may mean Sunday night. Do I make references to things without explaining?Statements like “we will run this like we did the Plexon case” may seem concrete but are still [...]

18 Ways To Achieve Self-Growth

Number 9 in this article is something I started working on and have found makes a difference in how expansive my thinking becomes.  Try it out! Click Here to Know More If you want help unpacking your limiting beliefs, use this link to set up a free exploratory call.

Personal Development

Do you know how to manage your thinking, so your emotions don’t take over?  Check out this article to see how.  Click Here to Know More If you want to help to unpack your limiting beliefs, use this link to set up a free exploratory call.

Four Main Stages Involved Solving Complex Personal Interpersonal Problems

If you read last week’s article you will see a consistent thread— both talk about how you need to “describe” the problem in order to gain clarity.  In our Outcome Leadership Program, we focus on helping leaders develop their critical thinking in order to solve complex problems. This week’s article will help you with that as well.  Click Here to Know More If you want help unpacking your limiting beliefs, use this link to set up a free exploratory call.

Problem Solving

If you are going to become really good at finding solutions, you need to be able to remove judgement, stay curious, and remove assumptions.  This article gives you a few ideas on how to do that.  Click Here to Know More If you want help unpacking your limiting beliefs, use this link to set up a free exploratory call.

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