As leaders you are constantly faced with being “on” for your team. Your brain literally needs to be charged continuously.

Leadership Skills Tip:

People who are highly strategic tend to also be high perceptive people. High perceptive people notice nuances that others miss- body language and emotional cues from others. According to Paul ORadde about 15-20% of all people are High Perceptives. This high perception often causes them to need down time or quiet time.

For me this High Perception means that I need to close my office every day and take down time by listening to music, reading a book or just closing my eyes. Without that down time i become crabby and irritable. Literally my brain goes on overload.

TAKE ACTION: So if you know you are a High Perceptive be sure to build time in your day to relax and shut your brain down so you can power up when you need it.

Strategic leadership training, executive presence seminars and train the trainer programs will help you grow as a critical thinker.

IMP is located in Minneapolis, MN  952-921-9421

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