Impression Management Training

For Individuals

Imagine speaking with authenticity & authority so people take action on what you say!
Get ready to transform your communication to a new strategic level! Move people to action every time you deliver a message!

For Leaders

Change the Way Leaders Think & You'll Change the Way they Lead
Discover how the Outcome Leadership Platinum Program has helped companies increase their employee engagement scores by over 35-50%

For Sales

Growing Your Sales and Margins By Expanding The Way Your Team Thinks

Increase response rates to calls and emails by 50% and be brought in with higher executives because your prospect trusts how they will manage the meeting.

Introduction to the Outcome Focus® Approach

Most trainings on impression management is based on the behavioral lessons that are needed to be learned. The problem is that your behavior comes from your beliefs. In other words, the way you think drives how you act. We use the Outcome Focus® Approach in impression management training. Outcome Thinking® is a brain-based methodology designed to expand how you think so you automatically think, listen and speak in way that is authentic, executive and transformational. In order for training to convert to long-time learning it needs to change the way you think, listen and speak and each training piece needs to integrate to create a holistic solution. You can’t be a transformational leader or sales person if you don’t think in a way that is transformational rather than transactional.

That is what is so unique about the Outcome Focus® Approach. Each program you take ties to and builds on your skills learned in our other classes because they are all based on using the Outcome Thinking® Method. We get that in order to do things differently you need to operate in a new world
of thinking.

Accelerated learning happens because instead of spending all your time learning “theory or tricks” about each skill, you learn how to make your new skills congruent with your corporation, your personal style, and your goals. This congruency comes from having each program build on the core of the Outcome Thinking® Method.

On top of that we do a Three Step Process:

  • Step One:  Live Learning to shift beliefs and develop a new style of communication

  • Step Two: Activation & Execution weekly video learning and monthly laser coaching to Threadline™ all learning to your real life situations and transfer learning to long-term behavior changes due to the changes in the way you think, listen and speak.

  • Step Three: Maintenance so you make sure people engage and sustain their changes longterm.

This means you aren’t learning multiple programs that don’t tie together; you are learning ONE SYSTEM that works together to deliver consistent and repeatable results that align with your corporate culture.

Key research shows that training alone raises people’s abilities by 22% while training COMBINED with coaching increases it between 33-400%! That is why we do a combined approach.