Sales Track – Virtual Sales Training

More sales, in less time with higher profits!

Imagine how much easier sales would be if your clients were open with you about their budget, their concerns and their thoughts about your offering? What would it be like if they always saw you as a trusted partner, not a vendor?

The more complex your sale the more you have to be able to get the customer to talk so you can remove barriers and create solutions that set you apart and brand your company.

Yet most sales programs focus on teaching your team how to sell rather than how to help a person buy from you. We reverse the process and show you how to think like your customer so you can be on the same side of the fence while you talk.

Imagine your team getting longer meetings, increasing response rates to calls and emails by 50% and being brought in with higher executives because your prospect trusts how your team will manage the meeting. That’s reality for our clients.

“I used to have 300 sales people giving 300 different sales presentation messages. I now have 300 sales people delivering a consistent message in their own authentic style.” – Brad Boyer

Free Outcome Thinking® Sales Report

Free Outcome Thinking® Sales Report

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Our 4-step approach means better learning and more sales .

Using a holistic approach to sales with the brain-based Outcome Thinking® Methodology your sales team will learn how to build trust in a meeting, when and how to present a solution, how to be invited to the decision-making table and how to protect margin while growing the sale.

It is this unique combination all with a central focus on Outcome Thinking® that allows your team to grow strategically, work more collaboratively and to drastically shift your foothold with your clients and prospects. We believe so much in what we do that we will even work with you on a percent of sales growth!

Get an idea of what you'll learn:

Sales Excavation®

Is there any area of human communication and interaction that’s been as studied or talked about as much as sales? Probably not, and yet the vast majority of salespeople make the same mistakes over and over. They’re killing their own careers – and your bottom line – because they fail to understand the basic truths behind any potential customer’s mindset and motivation. This must-have seminar corrects those mistakes and sets your team on a path for record production.

You will be able to:

  • Increase the speed to a deal
  • Become a trusted partner so they share ALL information with you upfront
  • Stop selling and start helping client’s buy more for you
  • Increase cross sales

Managing Your Message

Authenticity, Authority and Credibility. These are three words you want all leaders and sales people to stand for each time they open their mouth. This session shows your team how to shatter traditional views of presenting and communicating so they can create a transformational mindset that changes the way they think, listen and speak. This course is the foundation for your team’s development whether it is leaders or sales.

You will be able to:

  • Build a strategic message that aligns at a high executive level
  • Exude Executive Presence that is confident and authentic
  • Be able to influence the decision-making in a room


“Traditional” negotiation programs usually rely on wordplay and mental tricks. But as fun as these methods are in the conference room, they can be disaster in real life. Learn the real factors that shape a successful negotiation – psychology, mindset, and positioning – and shows your employees how to use Outcome Thinking® to arrive at outcomes that work for everybody. Here you will learn how to eliminate 70% of what comes to the negotiation table.

You will be able to:

  • Get all the information out so the best deal can be created
  • Set the conversation to remain non-defensive and high in accountability & trust
  • Read what the others are thinking but not saying
  • Build strong partnerships through the negotiations

Think Tank: Diving Deeper

This is your time to have us take key issues, challenges, and situations that are unique to your company and your industry.  We will show your team how to fine tune their Outcome Thinking® Skills to get positive results.

This is a great time to take any high stress or high anxiety situations and apply Outcome Thinking® to them. “A panicked mind stops processing new information, reverts to tried-and-true response, and is prone to snap decisions that make things worse. “ The Think Tank is designed to alleviate that.

Clients have used these to dive deeper in to conflicts, negotiations, and strategic planning, to name a few.

Outcome Focus® Writing: Writing Emails & RFP’s that Get Acted On

In order to understand how to write a proposal, letter, email or RFP that captures and ignites your audience, you need to understand how your audience buys.  In this session we will show you how to apply Outcome Thinking® so you hit on the necessary information, you give context and significance to what you say, and you write in a language your audience connects with.  You will quickly see why most RFP’s are bounced and what you can do to make yours stick.

Mastering the Message: Executing at Top Speed

In order to run at top speed you need to think at top speed.  Now that you have Outcome Thinking® under your belt, this course goes beyond to look at MAXIMIZING that impact.  It is about locking in, honing, and tweaking so you can think faster on your feet in a way that is consistent for others.

The first level was designed to get you thinking about how to shift your beliefs about communication so you could become transformational and less transactional. This helped you see what information to put in and why to put it in so it made sense to your audience. The Outcome Focus® Approach to Managing Your Message is like learning to be a good cook.  This level is like becoming a master chef.

Mastering the Message is all about taking out the fine tools and sharpening up what you say, how you say it, and how you write it so you get maximum impact. This session is all about eloquence and refinement while maintaining your character, integrity and personal style.

See what our clients say about us.

“What Outcome Thinking® has allowed me to do is start a process of thinking through an interaction from the stand point of the audience. Even thinking about who makes up that audience and what are the key messages that they are looking to hear so that I can tailor my message more effectively to address what they’re asking….I actually use the techniques on an almost daily basis. I use them in some of my interactions as a manager with the team members that I oversee. I use them as I interact with my executive team to help bring forward new ideas into the organization and new ways of making a difference in getting to good outcomes for our company. And of course, I use them with our clients. A great deal of my time is spent interacting with our customers and making sure that I understand what their needs are and understand how we are able to address those needs in multiple ways.”

John Beardsley, Vice President, Strategic Marketing Prime Therapeutics

“My first team I sent through Outcome Thinking® because I wanted them to develop more of an Executive Presence & Mindset. When they came back from the program they had a whole difference level of confidence that came out in the way they acted and responded to others. I saw it in the way they were now able to sum up correctly what they heard, Their ability to listen to others and really hear what they were saying or trying to say went to a higher level. This made other business groups feel validated and connected to them. So instead of preaching in “techie terms” they were able to relate to the Business Unit more effectively and become true partners.

I then sent a second group through the ProGOtiations to bump up how they negotiate. I saw them come back and look at negotiations from beyond even the typical “win/win” to looking at how to make both parties successful and build a stronger relationship. They were not antagonistic and were better at articulating their thoughts with higher level executives even. The videotaping was very eye opening as all walked away with how to improve from all levels of communication.

I have found that every time I bring you in and we go through another course, not only does my team move to a higher level, but so do I. Each time I gain a new nugget that just sticks like glue. You go so far beyond public speaking and regular negotiating to really understanding who all the players are and then how all the components of communication from the way you think, act, and speak need to be congruent in order to get the best results. This is one training that every time I bring it in consistently gets ranked by people beyond a 9.3, which for highly intellectual individuals is saying a lot!”

Stacy Thomas, Wells Fargo