
Interactive Negotiation Skills Training Seminars

Learn to eliminate 70% of what you negotiate today. You will learn how to turn negotiations into building blocks, not stumbling blocks.

ProGOtiation® is the only interactive two-day negotiation skills training program based on the groundbreaking Outcome Thinking® Methodology that will be past theory and behavior to actually have you work directly with your OWN negotiation so you can see exactly what blocks you, how to open your thinking, how to reroute the conversation and how to set you up for success. If you want negotiations to be shorter, more straightforward, and drive results, then Outcome Thinking® negotiation skills training courses are for you.

Designed for leaders and individuals who want to stop fearing negotiations and instead see them as a positive way to move a relationship forward with higher trust. Learn how to be authentic and to make sure that both parties bring all of their integrity to work toward a fair and just solution.

Get Your Negotiation Skills Special Report by clicking here!

What’s Different?

Here are five key ways we differ from other negotiation skills training companies:

  • You work with your own negotiation, not case studies
  • Focused Quality taping & coaching both days
  • Proven 4 step system that is easy to use
  • Designed for brain recall, not just class room learning
  • Work with an Outcome Thinking® Expert, not a facilitator
  • Learn Lay of the Land, Bucket Brigade and Challenge Probes

When you negotiate it should be comfortable, match your values, and be an enhancement to a relationship, not a detriment. That is why we teach you how to think through a negotiation so you have greater clarity during your presentation, have the skills to see options others miss and create dialogue that is open, candid and compelling. The best results our negotiation skills training clients come to using ProGOtiations® are often the result of utilizing the other party’s brainpower in a creative solution that goes beyond what either party thought of on their own.

The reason we work with your own material is because you engage and defend what you hold most dear very differently than you do a case study you are not committed to. So we figure, why drag you to a superficial world, when we can adapt and work in your world?

So come join us for two-days and forever change how you view negotiations!

Oh, and Results People Achieve:

On average IMP negotiation skills training seminar clients save 25% of their time in planning and actually negotiating, achieve outstanding savings in both dollars saved, and stress reduced. Click here to see some of our client’s results.

Limited enrollment in the negotation skills seminar allows each individual specific and strategic coaching attention.


Learn how to apply Critical Thinking to your Negotiation.

The following Outcome Focus® Negotiation Skills Seminar is available at the IMP Institute or Customized On-Site for you:

Outcome Focus® Negotiation Skills Experience – 2 days

Imagine no more games. Outcome Focus® Negotiation Skills and ProGotiations® will show you how to negotiate so you get more yes and less stress. This negotiation works great for people who hate to negotiate as well as those who love negotiating but want to raise the accountability of both parties. Ask us how people have used this for raises, closing big deals and every day conflict.

Reserve your seat for an upcoming public seminar in Minneapolis, MN…..

Check back for future dates.

Outcome Focus® Approach for Negotiation Training

  • Get to yes with less stress
  • Remove 70% of Negotiation Roadblocks
  • Remain high in integrity & ethics
  • Remove Barriers & Open Options
  • Think More Creatively & Collaboratively
  • Go Beyond the “win-win”


Group size is LIMITED allowing you optimal learning with premium attention to you personally. You can attend negotiation skills training courses individually through our open enrollment or you can have us customize a class for attendees from your company at a location of your choice.

The difference this program has made in my life is huge. It has enabled me to negotiate better financial returns consistently. I now have the tools to get others on-board with ideas passionately and harmoniously and without resistance. It is now my habit to start every personal interaction with the principles of Outcome Thinking® whether with business partners, suppliers, customers, landlords, tenants, salespeople, even with my husband, daughter and friends.

The program not only exceeded my expectations, but applying the principles of Outcome Thinking® has paid for the program many times over

Marianna Pascal, Best Selling Author of English Fast & Easy books

Outcome Thinking hit right on in helping us turn around our negotiations. It was amazing to see how you could pinpoint what we really should be negotiating, how to turn it around to be from the other person’s perspective and how you were able to quickly coach us each on what we were doing to hinder the negotiation. I loved how, not coming from our industry, you were able to spot what points were keeping us stuck and how our own thinking was creating our biggest roadblocks and then show us how to completely turn it around. Since we are all about being true partners with all we work with, this fit right in with helping us use negotiations as building blocks, not stumbling blocks.

Tony Robson, Komastu