Presentation Tip: How to Make Sure You Come From Their Angle, Not Yours
Presentation Tip: How to Make Sure You Come From Their Angle, Not Yours
February 8, 2010
Many times you will be asked to present at the last moment.This usually causes a flurry of panic as you try to think of all the information you need to share with the client.
You automatically think, “What information do I need to share with this client or what do I think they would want to know.”The problem with this approach is that it will cause you to “brain dump” everything you know and then some JUST to make sure you hit on any concern they might have. This approach causes your brain to search for what they need to know, why they need to know that information and how your product or service works.It is all about you and your company and then you relate it to them.
A better approach is to immediately think, “Why does this client need to know this?”This approach will cause you to focus on their problems and concerns, how you can help them and what you need to do together to make things work for them.It is all about them and their company and how you relate to their needs.
Now you have them riveted in their seats.
About Anne Warfield
As the leading Outcome Strategist, Anne Warfield shows people how to say the right thing at the right time every time. The revolutionary Outcome Focus® Approach shows how to build a candid corporate culture of communication that allows you to lead, present and negotiate transformationally rather than transactionally. When applying Outcome Thinking® our client’s results include sales cycles reducing by 75%, turnover reducing by 30%, silos evaporating, and a 25% savings of time by executives. Find out how you can maximize your corporate culture for greater productivity and results! Contact us at 888-imp-9421, visit, or email [email protected].