What To Do When a Coworker Interrupts Your Phone Conversation
What To Do When a Coworker Interrupts Your Phone Conversation
February 5, 2017
Some reasons that the person may hang around your doorway or cubicle while you are on the phone:
She might not think you see her so she stays in view.
She might have something on her mind that she feels is urgent.
She might be oblivious to proper etiquette and not know that she should walk away and come back.
How to handle: First of all, acknowledge the person. If you don’t she will try even harder to get your attention. If you will be off the phone in 5 minutes, look at the person, smile, raise your hand up to indicate five minutes and then point to her cubicle. If she doesn’t leave, wave good-bye. Then when your conversation is over, go right to her cubicle. At that time say, “Sorry to keep you waiting but I had to finish that conversation. In the future, just peek in and if I am in the middle of a conversation and can’t be interrupted, I will signal you and then when I am free, I’ll come right over to your office. If I’ll be right off, I’ll motion you in. If it’s really urgent, jot me a note and hand it to me. So, what can I do for you?”
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